Immaculate Heart of Mary - Parish
Roman Catholic Church  - Huddersfield - Diocesan Trust Registered Charity : 020 7485 2727

St Peters RC Church Hamilton

Our Lady of Hal
Camden Town - A Parish of the DIocese of  Westminster Registered Charity  Number:  233699


Registered Charity  Number 233699  - A Parish under the Diocese of Westminster


Safeguarding at Our Lady of Hal

The wellbeing, protection and safety of vulnerable adults and younger people is of primary importance to both the parish of Our Lady of Hal and the Diocese of Westminster. Today, this is a major focus for our Catholic Church, from the top down.

Safeguarding as a priority is at the heart of the Church's mission. There is no place in the Church, or indeed society, for abuse, a grievous crime which can affect people for their entire lives. 

PARISH HOTLINE: 020 7485 2727

Are you worried about a child or a vulnerable adult? Contact the Parish Safeguarding Office

Email our Safeguarding Designated Lead

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Additional Safeguarding Information

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